Engr. Dr Wahabi Bolanle Asiru, hailed from Ibadan, Oyo state. He attended Christ Apostolic Church primary school, Irefin, Ibadan and Idi – Ito High School, Erunmu, also in Ibadan where he obtained his secondary school leaving certificate. He obtained Bachelor of science degree in agricultural engineering from agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan. He also obtained a Master of Science and PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the same department and University of Ibadan. He served as science teacher, Oyo state teaching service commission till 1997 before joining Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi in 1997 as Research Officer 1 and rose to the position of Director in 2018, the position he held until 2024 when he retired from service. It was worth noting that from 2002 to 2015, he served as part-time lecturer in the department of agricultural science and industrial technology of Babcock University where he teaches agricultural engineering courses and assisted in the development of the department. Dr W. B. Asiru has dedicated himself in pursuing research aiming at ensuring food security, poverty reduction and improved income to farmers and small-scale processors through development of novel processing techniques and equipment and machineries which reduces drudgery and improved processing that greatly affects SMEs positively and assist Nigeria’s economic growth. He has over 30 years of experience as a post-harvest expert on tropical crops, mostly with partner institutions and private sectors across the world. He served as consultants to SMEs especially in Cassava industries and some donor agencies and contributed immensely to capacity building in agricultural value chain. At FIIRO, He won and coordinated several local and international research grants from EU, CGIAR/IITA, McGill University. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), West African Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP), German Development Corporation, African Union, etc. Dr Asiru is the National Treasurer of Industrial Cassava Stakeholders Association of Nigeria (ICSAN), Trustee, Mushroom Farmers and Marketers Association of Nigeria, Member, Steering Group, Cassava Value Chain project in Nigeria under Green Innovation Centre under GIZ. Serves in the committee of Science, Technology and Energy sector of the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industries (LCCI). Has also served in various ad-hoc committees both at FIIRO and outside the institute. He also served as the Chairman, Grant committee for the institute which serves as link for accessing fellowship, grants and scholarship for staff and the institute. Dr Asiru is a corporate member of Nigerian society of engineers (M.N.S.E.), Fellow Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Fellow, Nigeria Institute of Food Science and Technology. Member, American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers, Member, Sustainable Livelihoods Support and Development Network for Africa (SLIDEN AFRICA), Member, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC) and Registered Agricultural Engineer (COREN). Dr W. B. Asiru published 35 journal articles, 3 books, 41 conference proceedings, and 2 patents on various aspects of Post Harvest Technologies. and 35 journals and 41 conference publications in Local and International journal and conferences and contributed to chapters in 3 books. He also reviews National and International journals including high impact journals. He is an erudite scholar, passionate innovator, a team player with social skills, dedicated researcher, a mentor and role model in sustainable development and transformations. He is happily married and blessed with Children.