About Us

The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro is one of the seven Federal Polytechnics established by the Federal Polytechnics Act No 33 of July 25, 1979. According to the Act, the Institution is to provide technical and practical-oriented training to meet the manpower requirements for the industrial, agricultural, commercial and economic development of Nigeria.

Specifically, the Act requires the Institution

a. To provide full-time and part-time courses of instruction and training to students

  1. in technology, applied science, commerce, management and
  2. in such other fields of applied learning relevant to the needs of the development of Nigeria in the area of industrial and agricultural production and distribution and for research in the development and adaptation of techniques

b. To arrange conferences, seminars and study groups relative to the fields of learning specified in paragraph (a) above

As part of its pursuit of this mandate and other objectives, the Polytechnic instituted “The International Conference of The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. Ogun State”. The thrust of the Conference is the provision of a forum for academics and researchers from within and outside the country, the opportunity to present and discuss their work, exchange information on current best practices across disciplines and proffer or advance solutions or recommendations towards addressing issues of great concern or challenge.

The maiden edition of the Conference was held in November 2018, while the 2nd and 3rd editions were held in 2020 and 2022 respectively. The 4th edition was in collaboration with Takoradi Technical University (TTU) in Takoradi, Ghana in 2023. However, the 5th edition collaborates with Ecole Polytechnique Université D’Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. The theme of the conference titled “Food Security and Agricultural Transformation: Innovations and Strategies for Sustainable Economic Growth,” has been carefully selected to address key issues facing most African countries.

The Lead paper and keynote address presenters who are vast in the subject area are appointed from the Republic of Benin and Nigeria respectively. They will share their wealth of experience and research exposure in the key area. Authors are invited from various disciplines to send in their original research work related to the theme of the conference.


Years of experience

team member

Our Team Member

Local Organizing Committee, Republic of Benin